SINCE 1978
In 1978, Hiroshi Kitamura, a source of pride for Kyoto, Japan, embarked on a remarkable journey when he opened the doors to his salon, "Hiroshi Hair Design," nestled on Canon Drive, right in the heart of the enchanting Beverly Hills.
Since that pioneering moment, this locale has blossomed into what is now known as "The Hairdressers Row" of Beverly Hills, situated proudly in Southern California.
Hiroshi's journey began with mentorship from the legendary Vidal Sassoon during his early years, eventually earning acclaim as the International Creative Artistic Director for Sassoon.
Hiroshi is deeply committed to preserving the rich heritage of Vidal Sassoon. He remains dedicated to upholding the values, qualities, and methods instilled by his mentor, all the while pushing the boundaries with innovative ideas.
Throughout his career, Hiroshi has consistently embraced the "Cutting Edge" of new technology and the latest, most innovative styling techniques. Yet, he also maintains his distinctive approach to interpreting and bringing to life each client's instructions and his unique vision. Hiroshi, along with his devoted team, treats every client as an individual work of art, ensuring a highly personalized approach to each technique.
What truly sets Hiroshi Beverly Hills apart is the warm and inviting, yet unassuming atmosphere it offers, coupled with top-notch, first-class service delivered with a genuine smile. It's an oasis where clients are not just pampered but genuinely spoiled, all while enjoying the tranquil ambiance reminiscent of a spa in the heart of glamorous Beverly Hills.